Here it is. Tokyo Game Show is upon us. And with it, a veritable plethora of Kingdom Hearts related news. Specifically, news pertaining to the next game in the series, Dream Drop Distance. Let's do this.
Right, so, hmm. How best to do this. Em. Guess I'll just say everything in chronological order. That could work. First off, poster!
(Click for big.) Lotta stuff here. Well, they're in Traverse Town. Obviously. We can see their new clothes in all their glory. Awesome. Sora is looking very hybrid-ish with elements of both his KHI and KHII outfits coming into play.
Jaysus, I never noticed how different KHI and II Sora actually were... Anywho, the current Sora looks pretty KHI, though, or at least more I than II. Darker hair, younger face, all that jazz. Actually, now that I see his jacket is mostly silver rather than black like I thought, I don't think there is an emblem on the back of it, as I said in my last post.
Yeah, now that I'm looking at it again, I think it's just a blurry silver rather than a white symbol. My bad. Back to the poster we go. I'm digging Sora's threads. Red really suits him. Was hoping to see another shot of his shoes to see if they are his large yellow KHI shoes... Whatevs. The crown pendant and fingerless gloves are present and correct. Good to see. Superfluous zips and belts, I see. I've always loved Nomura's superfluous zips and belts... Still has Kingdom Key. Gotta have Kingdom Key.
Onwards to Riku. HAIRCUT. SO SHORT. SHORT HAIR IS SHORT. Sorry, I don't dislike it, it's just...weird. Change is good, though. Will take some time to get used to, but I feel I will grow fond of it soon enough. As for the outfit, let's see...
His new attire actually bears little resemblance to his KHI outfit besides the black waistbands. In fact, he looks downright normal, unspeakable of a JRPG character. S'pose he still has the silver hair, WHICH IS SHORT, BY THE WAY. Sorry, but I can't get over how very short it is... Less baggy grey pants, less yellow and, of what I can see, snazzy runners. In terms of age, I'd say he's closer to KHII... (Yes, I realise this game is set after KHII, I'm just saying how old he looks like.) And of very notable note is his weapon, Way to the Dawn. In the January trailer, he was sporting his ol' Soul Eater. This proves that it is, beyond any shadow of a doubt, post-KHII Riku even if it looks like he's younger than that. Incredibly curious... I wasn't sure if it'd be dream versions of Sora and Riku in this game from days of yore, but this proves they must be older but just look younger. Interesting. I was also curious as to how you could customise weapons with different keychains if Riku only had Soul Eater, but now he can get different keychains just like Sora! :D Also, Riku's shoes have laces. I think that's a first in KH seeing as the majority of the main cast have strappy runners.
Continuing with the...creatures. There's a basically a Spheal next to Sora and a Woobat above Riku. More details on Sora's thing later, so you can read that when you get to it. Also, both creatuers have the same fuschia-pink colour of the logo somewhere. Spheal is masquerading as a unicorn with a pink horn and Woobat has pink wings and a pink upside-down Airbending arrow. (Ah, references...)
Underneath the logo we have a FRIGGIN' RELEASE DATE, PEOPLE. Well, more of a season than a date, per se, but still! Spring 2012 for Japan! Perhaps late summer/early autumn for elsewhere? Here's hoping. Depends what month it comes out in Japan, really. BUT STILL, EXCITEMENT.
That was a lotta drivel on a poster... Anywho, next bit of news. A trailer description from Famitsu, the translation of which is courtesy of SQEX Gal. Thanks!
Huh. Intriguing. "The world submerged in sleep", eh? Could that mean a world in the Realm of Darkness? Or, is there a world of dreams and junk and Yen Sid is just getting poetic? In any case, it doesn't sound like a computer simulation this time round. Awesome! And Dream Eaters... I like it. I knew the enemies would have something to do with dreams!
Once again, Sora descends into Traverse Town, calling in search for Riku, when he hears the voice of a new character say, “The Noise are horrible…”
O_O .........No. It-it can't be. It can't. ...Can it? But, he's not from Final Fantasy. Would they have a non-FF character? Could they?? Surely it's not, but who else would talk about 'Noise'?...
The guest character appearing is Neku, the headphones toting main character from “It’s a Wonderful World” (The World Ends With You).
OH HOLY GAWD YES. ...They did it. A non-FF, non-Disney, non-KH character in Kingdom Hearts. And what a character it is. The incomparable, unadulterated downright BAMF that is NEKU FUCKING SAKURABA. (I don't tend to curse, but in this particular instance it was neccessary.)
Aw, it's Neku! NEKU. From The World Ends With You. In Kingdom Hearts. Meeting Sora. EXCITEMENT HAS REACHED BOILING POINT, FOLKS.
It seems Neku is caught in the Reaper’s Game, where if you cannot complete the mission given by the Reapers, your existence will be eliminated. But he doesn’t have a partner; it seems Sora may be lending him a hand?
Every fanfic writer has dreamed of this moment. Awwwwwwww, WANT. WANT RIGHT NOW. If you haven't gathered, I'm kinda in love with TWEWY. Enough to rival my love of KH. So the two of them together? NEED.
Then suddenly the round form of an adorable creature appears.
*disappointed at lack of Neku in current sentence*
That creature is shown rolling about on the flat top side of a hand using the camera function [AR, I think]. Just like a puppy, you can see it’s belly. Seems you can pet it using the touch pad, it looks so cute when it’s eyes light up! It seems Sora befriends it, riding upon it during battle and hopping around upon it. Also, it’s so speedy it’s hard to tell what’s happening, but since the original concept of the title is “bold action”, it seems that the battles are more refreshing than anything in the series so far!
I think this creature is the same walrus-dog thing from the poster... Emphasis on 'think'. Anywho, sounds...nice. Not sure how useful the whole Nintendogs thing will be, but I'm sure it'll be cute. *shrugs* Now, riding it into battle? AWESOME. Should've opened with that! Hell, riding anything into battle is amazing. I wonder if Sora ever had a dog on Destiny Islands... I doubt it. Not sure why, but I do. Sora's gonna love a pet. Nice for him. :3
There is also a surprise in the final scene. There is a cutscene from Xehanort’s point of view, the camera faces Braig who says, “Has your memory returned?” Maybe this will be one of the memories explained in this title.
Oooooh, INTERESTING! Could this be part of the data DiZ put in Sora? That'd be awesome; going through the game finding memories of Xehanort. Like getting the Reports, but cutscenes instead. This could also be how DDD connects to Birth By Sleep as Nomura has stated. Aw, more info on Xehanort is always fun. FACT.
More new things! This is another trailer description, but from Thanks!
Neku appears as a guest character in Sora's side of the TGS demo -- though not a playable guest. Both Neku [I think they mean Sora here...?] and his rival/friend/frienemy Riku team up with captured dream-monsters this time around rather than fighting alongside licensed characters. Neku's role is more that of the Disney-world guests from previous games. He shows up, reveals that he's caught in a "game," leaving him 43 minutes to win or die. Naturally, he asks Sora to be his partner but ultimately decides the tousle-haired protagonist is "a weird guy" and takes off. Sora follows, riding rails in pursuit of Neku, but quickly encounters a boss battle set in a cul-de-sac of Traverse Town.
Yay, more info on Neku! :D And of course he insults Sora in the course of 30-seconds or so and leaves. Aw, Neku. Badass art thou name. I want to know the rest of the dialogue... Also, *GASP* They better get Jesse David Corti back to voice him, or SO HELP ME GOD THERE WILL BE BLOOD. Ahem. I wonder if that cul-de-sac part is a new part of Traverse Town. Hope so. And will we run into Neku later as well? Or at least during the credits when they wrap up everyone's stories? Hmm. So, 'captured dream monsters', huh? Does this mean they're Dream Eaters turned good or something? Intriguing... Was getting psyched for new Disney party members, though. :c
Both sides of the demo (Sora and Riku) are essentially the same, really: A brief story set-up, a few set encounters, and a boss fight. Riku interacts with Quasimoto from The Hunchback of Notre Dame, which is admittedly less interesting than Neku; on the other hand, Riku has a double-jump, which is always great.
Yes. Yes it is. And *GASP* RIKU IN NOTRE DAME. RIKU IN NOTRE DAME! Aw, it's gonna be great seeing him interacting with Dsiney characters that aren't Maleficent or Captain Hook. Y'know, just good characters. 'Good' as in 'nice', not good as in 'not crap'. Maleficent and Captain Hook are the shizz. Anywho, I recall Nomura saying back in January that Sora and Riku would have slightly differing control schemes or something. Is this one of those instances or will Sora learn double jump later too? Oh, wait, what? Double jump? No High Jump? Maybe Sora gets High Jump and Riku gets double jump? *scratches chin*
The demo is just enough to give a feel for what KH3D adds to the series. While the camera is still a hyperactive mess that makes boss battles a pain (all the 3DS's buttons are used, so there's no lock-on system that I could find), everything else about the game feels significantly improved over previous Kingdom Hearts. The action is fluid and smooth, with much more refined combat. Fighting enemies feels less like combo-driven button mashing that locks your hero into canned animations than in previous installments, and your skill set has been improved considerably. Both demo characters possess a standard repertoire of magic skills such as Cura and Blizzaga, which are activated and cycled through as they were in Birth By Sleep, but they also can perform special Dual Link attacks with their partners by pressing Y.
Annoying to hear about the camera. Hopefully the new Slide Pad thingy will fix it. And no lock-on? Pffftt. Rip-off. But, again, the Slide Pad has many new shoulder buttons, so hopefully that'll get the job done. So far, so awesome. Glad the Command Deck, or at least something very similar, is definitely staying. Gameplay sounds great! :D
Dual Link skills are context-sensitive and seem to vary according to your current partners, enemies, and positioning. You can pull off different skills while on the ground or in the air. A key part of these skills seems to be something called (inexplicably) Holy Rope, which are a series of nodes placed around battlefields. Pressing A and X while near one of these Holy Rope points freezes the action and allows you to use the touch screen to draw connections between points on the area map, which then sends Sora or Riku dashing through the air along the prescribed course. Using the Holy Rope paths to intersect foes allows you to pull off standard or special attacks while they're otherwise out of reach.
...Sounds confusing. But still great! Hopefully it's just one of those things you gradually get used to. That Holy Rope thing especially sounds confusing. Still good, though! I'm gonna suck at it, mind. I'll probably get the hang of it round the midway point of the game. That's usually how it goes for me.
Hey, y'know what we haven't had for a while? PRETTY PICTURES. AND NEKU. HERE'S BOTH.
(Thanks to superphi on Twitter!) ...That's weird. Un-spriteified, 3D-enized Neku. Weird. But...not as horrific as I had imagined. I think they're keeping him as anorexic as he looks in sprite-form, which'll be funny. Also his spindly arms. His hand looks weird, though, I have to say. Whatever. It's Neku. Doesn't matter how, it just is. I can only hope and pray that Squeenix are using KH to remind folks of TWEWY and get it more publicity so they can unleash a TWEWY2 at some point... Or at least a 3DS-port. MORE TWEWY IS NECCESSARY. I can't really tell what's going on in the other two screens, though. Lotta light. The second one has Sora's Spheal foating about the place though, I think... Oh, more about Neku. It's gonna be especially weird seeing him moving...fluidly, I guess. In TWEWY, the few animated cutscenes are like Flash animations with the static sprites being moved, or like a comic book kinda thing. IT'S SO PRETTY. MY TEAR DUCTS FEEL LIKE WEEPING WHEN WATCHING. But watching a 3D Neku move? Gonna be weird, calling it now...
A zoomed out one of the last one. You can see on Sora's Spheal's underbelly the curvy emblem off the DDD website.
Maybe it is Sora's symbol, then. Or maybe it's the symbol of 'good' Dream Eaters or something like that. The spiky one certainly looks more sinister. More fitting for 'proper' enemies. I can't see any symbol on Riku's Woobat, so I dunno what the story is with that.
Riku definitely looks a lot younger in this shot than in the poster. He looks closer to KHI now. BUT STILL HAS SHORT HAIR. Like, it's REALLY short. Insanely short. Not neccessarily too short, but still, y'know, short. He looks like he's wearing jeans. Cute. However, he looks a little small for those clothes. Alsmost like they were designed for KHII Riku but KHI Riku wanted to try them on. Probably because it's very similar to his KHII clothes but has his KHI body. OH. JUST NOTICED. WHERE'S SORA'S CHAIN. Y'know, the chain of crowns he always has hanging from his left side? Yeah. WHERE IS IT. I love that chain! D: Ok, I just took another look at KHII Sora. He doesn't have it there either. WHAT THE HELL?!? He never had it in KHII?! EVERYTHING I KNOW IS A LIE. ...Sorry, I just really liked that chain... Seriously, it wasn't in KHII?! I'm actually gobsmacked by that revelation. Truly, I am. Oh, and Sora's shoes aren't quite the same as his KHI shoes (more black) but they're damn similar.
Very pretty screenshots abound. Especially love the top right one with Riku. Looking rather swish, there. Wait, top left screenshot with Neku showing his timer to Sora. Is Sora checking for a timer on his hand through his glove...? Love Sora's face in the top middle shot. Also love Neku's headphone in the shot there. Love the new area of Traverse Town in the one to the left of that, the one we saw at the end of the footage from Nintendo's conferene a few days back. Love the two pretty illuminated ones underneath the timer shot. Love love love~
This picture would be a lot more interesting if I knew a word of Japanese... Hopefully a translation will get out soon. Zoomed in one!
Ok, of what I can gather from the symbols and arrows, it seems like L, R and B or X will activate Dual Link while L, R and A will activate two of...something. Double jump? Awfully complicated for double jump, though. Could be something to do with the two party members. Other than Dual Link, of course. Underneath the party member icons, there's a bar with something on it. I can't tell if it's writing or symbols or what. Wonder what that's about. Also, the Drop gauge for each of the party members, is this how you use Dual Link? By using your team's 'Drop'? Hmm.
The things in the bottom right box are done using Y. These must be the Dual Link attacks aforemetnioned in the 1up trailer description. One shot shows Sora wall jumping. Is this not just a normal ability? As in, you have to have the right party members with you to pull it off? Bothersome. Hopefully it's easy to switch between partners seeing as they're creatures and don't look restricted to a single world like most other party members in KH.
Select and Start do the same thing(?) No, probably not. Though I can't remember how Days or Re:coded used Select. Start was Menu, as it should be. I can't see Select getting some super awesome function, but apparently it's getting used, so... I'm probably way off.
A and X activates Holy Rope, which is shown underneath. A and X... That's gonna be awkward.
I have no idea what's going on on the touch screen. ._.
Well, that's enough of me and my inability to translate. Time for another trailer description! This one is from krexia at KHInsider. Thanks!
We start off with Sora back in Traverse Town. He's got new clothes but... he apparently doesn't know why! It seems he's been separated from Riku, and Sora immediately yells out for his friend. It's then that we first see Neku Sakuraba from The World Ends with You. Neku promptly tells Sora to shut his noisy mouth and asks if he is a participant in the "Reapers' Game". Since Sora doesn't have the countdown stamp on his hand like Neku, it appears he is not.
Oh, Neku, you rude inconsiderate jerk... I always wondered how Sora would react to meeting Neku. Would he perservere and continue trying to befriend the douche or just break down crying at his mean-ness? The former, I suppose. I hope they don't have Neku talking too much. Then again, I want an entire game focusing on Sora and Neku's interaction. Or just Neku. Just Neku would be fine. Better yet, just make a sequel. Anyway. Interesting how Sora doesn't know why he's strutting around in new threads. Very interesting. Do they not know they're in "the world submerged in sleep" or whatever? Also, does Sora take off his glove at this point or keep it on like I said earlier? The latter is rather stupid, though the former is effort all round. Hmm.
Sora heroically offers his help to Neku as a friend. Neku retorts that Sora can't make friends that easy, to which Sora replies that it is easy. Neku then promptly dashes off into Traverse Town in midair in a cloud of sparkles.
...Sparkles? Does Neku have Sora/Riku's light aura thing now, or are they just being weird for the sake of being weird? I hope Neku just left Sora in mid-sentence. That'd be so Neku. And I don't know how Sora would react to that. Everyone he meets has always been courteous to an extent as he tried to befriend them, but Neku wouldn't be having any of it. Aw, I want this game NOW. Wait, who would Neku find as a partner in Traverse Town?! The FF characters are back in Radiant Garden, leaving only soulless NPCs and Disney folk. ...Neku's gonna die. Unless this is a special 'dream' Traverse Town with different peoples. OOH, or Neku finds a pet Spheal like Sora! That'd be brilliant, if Neku was forced to partner up with a walrus-dog... I know there's a fanfic in there somewhere.
It's here you gain control of Sora, fighting through Traverse Town. The X button on the 3DS is your "freeflow" button, which will allow Sora and Riku to do all sorts of crazy and fast maneuvers such as bouncing off of walls and swinging around poles. The idea behind this mechanic is freedom of movement based around objects in the environment.
Ok, so Y is Dual Link, X is Freeflow, A is (prolly) Attack and B is (most likely) Jump. Nice. The Freeflow thing sounds great.
While in freeflow you can attack by pressing the attack button, and it will be contextual to where you are in freeflow. It's particularly flashy and fun to execute. However, it seems that the camera is a bit slow with keeping up with these maneuvers.
Sounding nicer by the minute. I'm not too worried about the camera just yet, seeing as how the Slide Pad will prolly fix it. I really want to try out Freeflow now, just to get a sense of what it's like. Hopefully we'll get some footage soon.
Commands are structured just like Birth by Sleep and Re:coded in which you can cycle through abilities. Use one and there will be a cooldown before you can use it again. You get the idea.
Grand. Wonder what new abilities we'll be getting. Also, will you have to level up abilities and mix them withother ones to create new ones and all that jazz again? 'Cause that was good, I thought.
At the end of Sora's scenario he fights a boss. The boss can described as boxy with long arms. It can attack from a distance by shooting it's arms into the foreground. This looks particularly impressive in 3D.
Hurray. Wonder if this boss will be in the final game. It's another Dream eater, I suppose? Oh, will we be getting Heartless or Nobodies at all in this one at any point? Even BBS had a few Heartless, before the apprentices concocted the Emblems. I wouldn't say there'll be a lot, but there'll prolly be some.
After the boss is defeated, Sora's scenario ends.
Ah bless. What happens if you die, though? Does the demo let you? Does it just go back to the demo menu? Hmm.
We see Quasimodo carrying Esmerelda towards the cathedral of Notre Dame when we first visit Le Cité des Cloches (The City of Bells). Riku is with them and also sporting a new outfit and shorter hair. It seems he is protecting them.
Aw, BRILLIANT... So now Hunchback is properly 100% no going back confirmed. We already knew in January, but there was definitely wiggle room. Now it's DEFINITE. And hurray for Riku having friends! :D
Riku battles inside the cathedral, and you can freeflow between the pillars inside. It's important to note that Sora and Riku are now accompanied by new companions we've seen in the keyart. Sora's companions are described as a panda-like creature and a smaller more "squirrely" companion. Riku's companions are described as something resembling a unicorn and a bat.
Lolwhut? Sora gets a panda and a squirrel while Riku gets a bat and a unicorn? *snickers very audibly* I mean, animal sidekicks are hardly unknown to Sora, but badass Riku getting a UNICORN?! XD Priceless... I am literally lol'ing right now. *wipes tear from eye* Anyway, do we get to change companions throughout the game, or do we keep the same ones? If it's the latter... Poor Riku! Well, knowing Riku, he'll find some way to make unicorns badass. ...I'm still laughing, you know. I just find the mental image of new (SHORT-HAIRED) Riku on a goddamn unicorn hilarious. Riding into battle, epic music playing, wind in his hair... No, you really can't add badassery to a unicorn. Well, if My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic made ponies acceptable... The freeflow inside the cathedral sounds AMAZING. WANT SO HARD. ...Pfffftttttt, unicorn... I just can't get over how funny that is!
When the group reaches the top of the cathedral, Riku's boss fight begins. It's a winged flying boss, and for this fight Riku is able to fly. You must jump up to the roof and chase it in flight around the cathedral. This is also impressive looking in 3D.
Is there freeflowing round the buttresses and arches of the roof? Hope it's at least in the final product. And a flying Riku... *GASP* NOMURA SAID THIS! When describing the 3D effect of DDD or something like that, he said something about a Riku that flies, a Sora that falls. Is this what he was on about? And a falling Sora... The many falling Soras from the January trailer, perhaps? Will that be in the actual game at any point? Curiouser and curiouser...
Just some quick pics of the game being played...
The girl in the last shot has headphones. I wonder how the game sounds so far. Have the recoded voices for the cutscenes? Did they get Neku's Japanese voice actor, Kōki Uchiyama, yet? He also voices Roxas and Ventus, so I wouldn't say it'd be too hard. (Wikipedia is such a godsend~)
Last bit, I swear! I'm far too tired to comment on every paragraph, so... It mainly describes the gameplay anyway. This summary comes from IGN. Thanks!
Apparently taking a squirrel-type creature and combining its power with a panda-type creature nets you one incredibly large, powerful and fat panda that proceeds to crush all enemies under its immense girth. The moment I managed to get Sora to execute a Dual Link with his two allies, I knew the TGS Kingdom Hearts 3D demo would please me greatly. For those of you not as concerned with fat pandas, there's plenty else about the latest chapter of Square's Disney franchise to keep your interest.
The primary enhancement to the Kingdom Hearts formula is a very fast, very chaotic agility mechanic that allows your lead character to essentially bounce off of walls, grind on rails and slingshot off of poles. That movement is chained into an attack system that, while chaotic, feels great and controls wonderfully. It'll take you a few minutes to really get a grasp of all the faculties at your command, including allies (see: fat panda) and special "deck" attacks, but once you do, you'll feel like a total badass.
At this point the game's biggest hindrance is that it's almost too chaotic and too fast. Having Sora surge forward for an all-out assault is a sight to behold... until you can't see him because the camera can't keep up or doesn't know how to properly track the action. L and R can rotate the camera, and there is a lock-on system which definitely helps, but I ran into several instances where the game wasn't quite sure how to deal with the constant wall-jumping.
Beyond that, Kingdom Hearts 3D is shaping up nicely. Visually the game is certainly looking strong - think good PlayStation 2 graphics on a small screen. (That's not a bad thing, honestly.) The 3D depth is also effective though not necessarily essential. One other interesting fact is it appears another Square franchise is finding its way into Hearts. Neku, from The World Ends With You, appears in an opening scene in Sora's half of the TGS demo. (The other half involves Riku, though you're effectively doing the same activities in a different Hunchback of Notre Dame setting.) He runs off before anything of real substance occurs, and you don't get to play as him, but no doubt fans of the critically-acclaimed series are going to be thrilled regardless.
The primary enhancement to the Kingdom Hearts formula is a very fast, very chaotic agility mechanic that allows your lead character to essentially bounce off of walls, grind on rails and slingshot off of poles. That movement is chained into an attack system that, while chaotic, feels great and controls wonderfully. It'll take you a few minutes to really get a grasp of all the faculties at your command, including allies (see: fat panda) and special "deck" attacks, but once you do, you'll feel like a total badass.
At this point the game's biggest hindrance is that it's almost too chaotic and too fast. Having Sora surge forward for an all-out assault is a sight to behold... until you can't see him because the camera can't keep up or doesn't know how to properly track the action. L and R can rotate the camera, and there is a lock-on system which definitely helps, but I ran into several instances where the game wasn't quite sure how to deal with the constant wall-jumping.
Beyond that, Kingdom Hearts 3D is shaping up nicely. Visually the game is certainly looking strong - think good PlayStation 2 graphics on a small screen. (That's not a bad thing, honestly.) The 3D depth is also effective though not necessarily essential. One other interesting fact is it appears another Square franchise is finding its way into Hearts. Neku, from The World Ends With You, appears in an opening scene in Sora's half of the TGS demo. (The other half involves Riku, though you're effectively doing the same activities in a different Hunchback of Notre Dame setting.) He runs off before anything of real substance occurs, and you don't get to play as him, but no doubt fans of the critically-acclaimed series are going to be thrilled regardless.
Phew. DONE.
GAWD THAT TOOK FOREVER. Lot of news, loooooooot of news...
I fell today. Three times. Twice flat on my face, once just kinda skidded/stumbled for a good while, crashed into a lotta people, that kinda thing. We were filming something in school and I had to run a lot for a Charlie Chaplin-style chase scene. Always fell off camera, though, so you can just hear it in the background. I never fall, though. My my legs decided to fail me the day there was a camera around... Sigh. My knee is sore. My knee hasn't been sore for years. :c
And now I'm hungry... Imma go get some yoghurt and watch some Doctor Who to make my knee feel better. LIKE A BOSS.
Ugh, forgot I had to do a tl;dr...
tl;dr: New outfits for Sora and Riku, rather strpping. SHORT RIKU HAIR IS SHORT. Spring 2012 release for Japan(!) Sora and Riku are in 'the world submerged in sleep', according to Yen Sid. Enmies are called Dream Eaters, goblins that consume sleep. NEKU SAKURABA CAMEO (CANNOT EMPHASISE HOW AWESOME THIS IS). Sora gets a pet, able to interact with AR/touch screen. Scene from Xehanort's point of view as Braig asks if his memory's returned. Party members this time round are 'captured dream-monsters' (most probably Dream Eaters). Riku meets Quasimodo and Esmerelda in Le Cité de Cloches, epic gameplay in cathedral ensues. Same method of scrolling through commands as BBS and Re:coded. Also Dual Links, which are abilities depending on partners, enemies and positioning, activated with Y. Freeflow with X is for crazy fast skillage, including wall jumping and pole swinging. Holy Rope is confusing. Sora gets a panda and squirrel thing as companions, Riku gets a bat and *snickers* a unicorn. The only real complaint so far is that the camera has trouble keeping up with the fast and frantic gameplay, will prolly be improved with the Slide Pad though. It's looking beautiful and fun~
This post is far too long on its own to add anything else, so I think I'm gonna write on TGS for each day. Three more posts like this over the next three days. My fingers are gonna fall off.
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