Wednesday 31 August 2011

Some TGS 2011 Details in Regards to KH

Ok, let's make this quick. Glee Project is at 8, Big Brother at 9 and I have to fit in as much Pottermore wonderment as possible before school starts tomorrow (NOT looking forward to that). And yes, I finally got my email for Pottermore! :D Ravenclaw, if you must know, and my wand is elm with unicorn core, fourteen and a half inches, quite bendy. Ok, none of that is relevant...

Perfectly honest? Not a lot of KH news has surfaced in the past two weeks, not even a full translation of that Dengeki interview (I just know there's more tantalysing information hidden in all that kanji...) However, I can't think of anything to say for a Theory post and I can't be bothered to do another Analysis one just yet. Believe you me, I will after TGS, don't worry.


Ok, so Square Enix has revealed a couple of days ago (August 26th) that, along with Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance being playable at Tokyo Game Show this year (September 15-18), there will also be a private screening showing something pertaining to the game. This screening will be open to 80 members of the public chosen randomly from Japanese Square Enix members that apply for it. (Source:

Also, today Squeenix have launched DDD's TGS site. It's rather sparse at the moment, but Shamedo and MisuzuKamio at KHInsider forums have translated the note-worthy three lines above the pic with Sora and Riku. (We already had this shot before, but this one is of higher quality and not a watermark in sight. Score!)

"Darkness becomes Light, Light falls into Darkness."

"A title for Nintendo 3DS in the Kingdom Hearts series!"

"The videogame on the show floor will be the world's first experience, please come visit us!"

There will be a new trailer and it will be playable on the show floor.

The first line is the game's tagline as seen on its official website, but is still insanely mysterious and intriguing. Does it mean Sora will fall to darkness during the MoM Exam, or when they're groping around inside him for the data that DiZ left behind? Does it mean Sora at all? It could be about Riku trying to unleash his full darkness, but ends up extinguishing his light instead. ...No, I think it means Sora. Or at least Sora and Riku. Or just the state of the worlds? Will more worlds be falling to darkness i.e. the Realm of Darkness? Deary me, confusion all round. Meh. Hopefully TGS might shed some more light on the issue. Or confound us all so utterly and completely with the bizarre convolutedness of DDD that we just forget it altogether. Whatever.

The second bit is obvious, so excuse me for not commenting further on it.

Now, the last bit? AWESOME. A playable trailer thing for the plebs on the show floor?! Pretty much a guarantee of shaky footage aplenty to be leaked onto YouTube in no time at all. Result! I wonder if it's gonna be the same demo thing that guy got to play in that Famitsu interview a while back... Y'know, the one that said there's gonna be new enemies and two 'surprising' party members in Traverse Town or whatever? That'd be damn exciting, right there. Yes, it'd be the same demo, but what an awesome demo it would be! We could actually find out what these new enemies are/at least look like and just who these party members are. However, this is just speculation on my part. The thing the guy played was a demo, whereas this translation says 'trailer'. Could be completely different, which is also awesome. I mean, a trailer after 9 months of nothing footage-wise whatsoever will be insanely epic/mighty appreciated. Hopefully Squeenix will keep their promise and get the official footage up online ASAP. I've no idea how fast they'll put it up, though. Is a coupla hours too ambitious? I like to keep my hopes down to avoid them being lowered forcefully by disappointment.

Now, remember that first bit of news? The one about a private screening for 80 lucky folks? Sure ya do. It just became a lot more exciting. I doubt they'd show the same footage on the show floor and then again behind closed doors. It's gotta be something different... Maybe it is a playable demo on the floor and a proper trailer at the screening? It has to be something to do with DDD and not BBSv2 or anything like that because their announcement definitely said DDD, rather than just KH. Yeah, I think a trailer/demo combo is most likely. In any case, 'twill be epic, sure.

I wonder if we're 'just' getting the trailer or whatever, though. Like, d'you think Tetsuya Nomura (game director/KH dictator) will give anymore plot details? I...don't want that, to be honest. Details on gameplay would be awesome, or on the general mechanics of the game. A vague release date (possibly the season/month for Japanese release) would be insanely amazing and cause me to simultaneously squee and die with anticipation. However, I want this game to stay as vague as possible. Though I only got into KH last summer, legend speaks of a time before BBS when a plethora of news was unleashed unto the world on a monthly basis, allowing the fans time to piece together the entire plot before it even came out. I reeeeaaaaally don't want that to happen with DDD, lest I may be forced to go hermit and forego the internet until its release in Europe. I hate going hermit... But yeah. TGS will be awesome. FACT.


...Aaaaaaaaaand, I think that's all I wanted to say on that.

tl;dr: Well, this post was short enough, nothing to really abridge... Em, TGS will be awesome and brimming with KH goodness. ...Yeah.

Oh, just letting ya know, I won't be posting again in exactly two weeks as, according to my calendar, that'll be on the day before TGS. No point blathering on about nothing when an explosion of news is set to go off over the coming few days, is there? 'Course not. I'll post something after, instead, so watch out for that.

Also, as mentioned previously, school starts tomorrow (boo). This means I'll prolly have less time for KH amazement. Bothersome. I'll probably have to start updating on the weekend instead, maybe less frequently... Stupid reality, interfering with the awesomeosity of the virtual world known as the internet...

Well, Glee Project's on. Love me ma reality TV... Far more than I should, it has to be said.


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